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"Deliberadamente. Folha informativa de activismo feminista" Is Out

Edició digital

The digital edition of Deliberadamente. Folha informativa de activismo feminista is now available. This journal, coordinated by Helena González Fernández and Mariám Mariño Costales and published by Mulheres Nacionalistas Galegas (MNG), brings together debates and denunciations of the feminist movement from a nationalist perspective. The themes discussed in the volume include the fight against militarism, the patriarchy, the church, and all kinds of violence against women. It consists of sixteen issues from 1996 to 2004, and is now available in A Saia. Feminist Publications and LGTBIQ +, the new name of the digital library created by Centro de Documentación en Igualdade y Feminismos del Consello da Cultura Galega, and ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality.


This digital edition is the result of the Research Project "Tránsfugas y parias modernas: género y exclusión en la popular culture del s. XXI” (FEM2017-83974-P MINECO / AEI / ERDF, EU).