Academic and institutional responsibilities:




Director of the Doctoral School UB. (2021-…)


Màrius Domínguez


Director of the Equality Unit as Delegate of the Rector. UB. (2021-…)


Núria Vergés


Vice-head of CIDERCRIT. Centro de Investigación en Derecho Crítico. (2019-…)


Dino Di Nella


Vice-head of FES. Federación Española de Sociología. (2017-…)


Màrius Domínguez


Director and Vice-head of Departament d’Història Econòmica, Institucions, Política i Economia Mundial. (2015-…)


Irene Maestro 


Director of the TIIFAMO network. International research network of One parent Families. (2008-…)


Elisabet Almeda (2008-2011); Dino Di Nella (2012-2015; 2016-2019).


President of the Gender Equality Committee of the Law Faculty (University of Barcelona)


Núria Pumar (-…)


Member of the Gender Equality, Unit of the University of Barcelona


Núria Pumar (-…)


President of the Institut Interuniversitari d’Estudis de Dones i Gènere IIEDG (2017-2020).


Núria Pumar


Director of GEISPE Network. International Research Network on Gender and Penal System (2008-2020) Facebook and Twiter Red Geispe


Elisabet Almeda


Vice-head of the Faculty of Economy UB. (2010-2017)


Màrius Domínguez


Director of GENCPOLIS. Network on Gender, Citizenship and Social Policies. Interuniversity Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies. IIEDG. 2015-2017.

Elisabet Almeda


Vice-head of Department of Sociology and Analysis of the Organisations. UB (2014)


Núria Vergés


Director of Department of Sociology and Analysis of the Organisations. UB (2011-2013)


Elisabet Almeda



Management, Coordination and Memberships of Thematic Networks and Scientific Programs:



INCASI. International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. 2016-2020.


UB Directed by Màrius Domínguez; Joaquim Joan Albalate; Elisabet Almeda; Ana Antonia Collado; Leon Freude; Rosa Ortiz ; Núria Vergés.



GEISPE Network. International Research Network on Gender and Penal System. 2008-2020.


Directed by Elisabet Almeda; Clara Camps; Anna Morero; Rosa Ortiz ; Núria Vergés.



TIIFAMO Network. International research network of One parent Families. 2008-… 


Directed by Dino Di Nella and Elisabet Almeda; Clara Camps; Anna Morero; Rosa Ortiz ; Núria Vergés.



The European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control.


Clara Camps Calvet



Historical Materialism Barcelona Scientific Committee


Clara Camps Calvet



FES. Spanish Federation of Sociology


Vice President: Màrius Domínguez; Coordinator of committees and working groups: Clara Camps Calvet and Màrius Domínguez; Elisabet Almeda; Núria Vergés.



ACS. Catalan Association of Sociology 


Joaquim Joan Albalate; Màrius Domínguez; Elisabet Almeda; Núria Vergés.



GENCPOLIS. Network on Gender, Citizenship and Social Policies. Interuniversity Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies. IIEDG. 2015-2017.


Directed by Elisabet Almeda; Clara Camps; Màrius Domínguez; Anna Morero; Rosa Ortiz ; Núria Pumar; Núria Vergés.



Seminar on Feminist Research Methodology 


Jordi Bonet ; Núria Vergés.



Social Security Institute ‘Juan Luis Vives’ Carlos III University


Núria Pumar 



Sobiranies Institute


Jordi Bonet 



CERCA. Research Association on Social Sciences


Núria Vergés



IIEDG. Interuniversity Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies. 2008-2020.


Directed by Núria Pumar ; Elisabet Almeda; Clara Camps; Màrius Domínguez; Leon Freude; Anna Morero; Rosa Ortiz; Núria Vergés.



PROSAR. Mental Health Remote Approach Program “Operar es Vincular”. 2019- Elisabet Almeda; Dino Di Nella.



CIDERCRIT. Critical Law Research Center. 2019-….


Elisabet Almeda; Dino Di Nella.



(Darrera actualització: 31/05/2021)