WELCOME to the virtual space of the COPOLIS International and Interuniversity Group “Welfare, Community and Social Control”.

Since the 2003-2004 academic year, it has been consolidated into a stable and articulated working group, the result of activities and research that, in broad strokes, are aimed at building the community as a space to make effective the transformative potential of the human rights.

The main purpose is to raise research and activities with those most invisible groups in our society: single mothers with children, young violators of criminal law, displaced populations, discrimination by choice or sexual services, adolescents in construction of their identity and autonomy, elderly people with loss of independence and / or socio-community status, people with addictions to substances prohibited by health authorities, imprisoned women or peoples or groups who have suffered processes of concealment and repression of their historical memory. In addition, the aim is to recognize all these groups as subjects of rights, protagonists of the construction of another social reality, and not only as passive beings, simple objects of study, socialization and control.

Universities must be the nuclei that generate the knowledge and resources needed to undertake processes of social emancipation, addressing those areas of research that make it possible to provide a solid academic response to the growth of social demands.

To this end, our goal is to develop a platform for research, training and university transfer on Welfare, Community and Social Control, as a scientific and social body from which to develop knowledge and actions necessary to reduce situations of social vulnerability and, at the same time, also disseminate the results derived from it, responding to the demands for support and technical advice that these actions entail.

The transversal axes that guide and give content and cohesion to the group’s action are three: a) the gender dimension, b) the critical approach to human rights, and c) methodological pluralism (through the use of methodologies quantitative and qualitative, interdisciplinarity, interinstitutionality and internationalization).

To achieve all this, multiple activities and projects of research, training, transfer and university extension are carried out. The group also organized conferences, seminars and seminars with experts of great international prestige, including Loïc Wacquant (sociologist and criminologist; University of California, Berkeley); Pat Carlen (sociologist and criminologist, one of the three leading scientists in the field of female criminal execution, University of Bath, UK); Horacio Vertbisky (journalist, President of the Center for Social and Legal Studies, Latin American Research Career Award 1997– Argentina); Jonathan Bradshaw (sociologist, one of the European Commission’s leading social policy advisers; University of York, UK); Mónica Müller (Homeopathic Physician, Specialist in Epidemiology and Homeopathic Treatment of Avian Influenza, Homeopathic Association of Argentina); Elena Azaola (Anthropologist, expert in the analysis of the criminalization and victimization of women, Ciesas-Autonomous University of Mexico) and Eduardo Galeano (writer, UNASUR-MERCOSUR Award 2008 – Uruguay).

Copolis is made up of different researchers from various countries and universities, mainly linked to the University of Barcelona, ​​together with other stable researchers from the University of Valencia, the University of the Balearic Islands, the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, the National University of Colombia, the National University of Río Negro and the National University of La Plata. It should also be noted that in recent years the group has increased its ability to work internationally thanks to the group’s participation in the INCASI Research Project, International Network for the Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. This Project is part of the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Commission.

Currently, the International and Interuniversity Group COPOLIS “Welfare, community and social control” has two recognitions of the higher education system that accredit its quality and scientific and social productivity. On the one hand, the recognition as a Consolidated Research Group (SRG-2017/1145) for which Dr. Màrius Domínguez i Amoròs, and on the other hand, the recognition as a Consolidated Teaching Innovation Group (GINCDOC-2017/140) for which Antonia Collado Sevilla is responsible, both attached to the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Economics and Company of the University of Barcelona.

We hope that this space is of interest and usefulness and we remain at your disposal for any question you may have.


International and Interuniversity Group

COPOLIS “Welfare, community and social control”

(Darrera actualització: 31/05/2021)