Copolis began to be established during the 2003-2004 academic year, when its director (Elisabet Almeda Samaranch) joined the Department of Sociology and Analysis of Organizations of the University of Barcelona. At that time, a first foundational team was organized, with members who already had a solid track record in research, both collaborating with the director and with other work teams.

Subsequently, and in a second instance that begins on November 17, 2005, the process of consolidation of Copolis began, in which the members of the group were progressively converging in the various investigations and scientific dissemination programs of the group. This led to an enriching work experience throughout the period 2005-2008 (see the Inventory of Activities 2005-2008), which consolidated the Group’s main thematic lines of action, with multiple research, training and transfer projects and activities.

Subsequently, a third stage of work was planned and began (2009-2013), with an update of its organic structure and its institutional functioning, in order to enhance its internationalization and exchange capacity. This led to the constitution of Territorial Units of Permanent Studies (UTEP) on the group’s themes in different places in Argentina, Colombia, Spain (País Valencià and Illes Balears) and Mexico, made up of more than 60 researchers from various research groups, which will enrich and expand the capacity for exchange and reciprocal transfer.

A fourth stage followed (2014-2018), with a reorganization and adaptation of its operation in the form of an academic, scientific and social network, the progressive assumption of new leaders, and greater autonomy of each UTEP at the same time as close collaboration around research, training, transfer and exchange specific projects and agreements for each specific activity.

Currently, Copolis is developing its fifth stage (2018-2021), under the consolidation of new leaderships, lines of work and strategic actions (To deepen this, you are invited to browse this website).

Throughout its trajectory, Copolis has received several recognitions from the participating institutions, among which, within the European Higher Education Area, the recognition for the periods 2009-2013, 2014-2016 and 2017-2021 as a Consolidated Research Group by the Generalitat of Catalonia (SGR-178/09, SGR-983/2014 and SGR-1145/2017), the recognition of the Center for Continuous Training and Teaching Innovation CEFOCID-Copolis as a Group of Teaching Innovation Consolidated by the University of Barcelona (GIDCUB-13/140), and the contribution of COPOLIS-Adalquí, as a Support Group for Transfer and Research, as well as a Collective for legal, social and cultural action.


(Darrera actualització: 31/05/2021)