The close link that must exist between University and Society for the transformation of social and cultural reality is an ethical imperative that challenges us as social researchers and professionals committed to our time. For this reason, through Copolis-Adalquí and the collaboration of various entities, centers and people with whom networks have been weaving during these years, extensive communication and dissemination work is carried out on various priority thematic areas.

In particular, Copolis-Adalquí intends to make compatible the intellectual property policies and the means of dissemination of results usually required in the academic and scientific fields (articles in indexed journals, specific agreements with specialized commercial publishers, teaching texts in university collections, among others. ) with another of its priority objectives, such as achieving greater access, dissemination and impact among the most vulnerable groups in society.

For this, Copolis-Adalquí decided to carry out its own production of content that could be massively disseminated, as well as the incorporation of stable opinion columnists (monthly or bimonthly), and the reproduction of a careful selection of materials from other groups and authors who are conducive to the purposes of the editorial intention established for each of the selected priority topics.

Among this production it is worth mentioning:

  • The Portal “Apostilles on Social Control and Human Rights” (journalistic, communicational and informative production, disseminated through a website, weekly update of a News Blog and an Informative Bulletin, monthly or bimonthly update of its stable columnists, and eventually, of production and/or participation in audiovisual micros of different characteristics and periodicity).
  • The Production and Management of the Editorial Fund of Copalqui Editorial (such as training materials and training, including those derived from its agreements with Editorial Koyatun).
  • The Production of solidarity and sociocultural actions (mainly, through Solidarity Program for Remote Approach to Mental Health “Trading is Linking” PROSAR, the children’s theater intervention group Mimos Kurmi; muralism; onomastics; the work of the Col·lectiu de Solidaritat amb els Països Catalans and the Centro Popular y Multisede Social “Daniel Pascua Di Nella”, among other).


(Darrera actualització: 31/05/2021)