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Master’s degree in Management of cultural institutions and companies
Credits: 60

The Master’s degree is the oldest course on cultural management in Spain, starting in 1989. Counting on a teaching staff of working professionals and renowned academics, the course offers a programme responding to the current needs of venues, collectives and projects in the field of cultural entrepreneurship. An innovative education  model, which combines experience analysis, conceptual thinking, simulation exercises and other educational methodologies to stimulate intellectual curiosity, capability of problem-solving and development of common sense. The group composition, with a relevant presence of international participants and experienced professionals, encourages exchange, comparison between different realities and making future professional contacts through networking. Cooperative learning, reinforced during group projects, allows to simulate most innovative organizations’ working teams.

  • Number of ECTS credits:: 60
  • Format: on-site and blended learning (see calendar located at the end of the web page of the course).
  • Language: Spanish (Students can present written work in Spanish, Catalan or English, and the Final Project also in French, Italian or Portuguese)
  • Duration: 2 years.
  • Cost: 7.900€, the two academic courses -3.950 first course & 3.950€ second course (payment method: 10% to reserve the course place; 40% before starting the course; two fees of 25% during the course).
  • Career prospects: Manager of cultural projects and heritage; Director of cultural organizations or companies; Expert on culture for public administration.


On-site learning

Advantages of on-site learning:

  • Learning day-by-day, in an evolving way and sharing time and knowledge with other students, under the guidance of professors and with dynamic classroom resources.
  • Interacting face-to-face with qualified professionals in the sector, who know first-hand cases of best practice.
  • Networking with classmates, sharing and involving in a wide range of experiences.
  • Interacting and planning in groups, learning collectively and comparing different experiences and ideas.
  • Living in a cosmopolitan cultural metropolis, Barcelona, with great programming, innovative and creative dynamism, and many cultural projects of international appeal.


Blended learning

Advantages of distance learning:

  • Set your own study pace, education is tailored to the personal needs of each participant.
  • Developing skills of autonomy, self-control and dedication, and time and work management, linked to the learning process, that are extremely useful in current professional practice.
  • Make access to high quality education possible to those people who live far away or dealing with time constraints.


Advantages of the 2 weeks on campus in Barcelona:

  • Interacting face-to-face with qualified professionals in the sector.
  • Networking with classmates, sharing and involving in a wide range of experiences.
  • Interacting and planning in groups, learning collectively and comparing different experiences and ideas.
  • Living for some days the dynamism of Barcelona, a cosmopolitan cultural metropolis with a wide range of interesting projects.

1st year PROGRAMME


Structure and dynamic of cultural sectors

Analysis of the cultural actors

Visits to cultural organisations


Local cultural policy

  • Local government: policy, mediation and management of public services
  • Planning, budget and administrative procedure
  • Models and strategies for local cultural policy
  • Agenda 21 for culture
  • Models of governance and management of public cultural facilities

Participation and community cultural revitalization

  • Citizen empowerment and cultural democracy
  • Community participation: dynamics, bargaining and coordination
  • Dynamics, management and regulation of street festivities and events
  • Non-profit organisations: management and models of governance.
  • Strategies and experiences of socio-cultural animation
  • Intercultural management: models and experiences

Local strategic planning

  • Models of local strategic planning
  • Design and development of local strategic plans
  • Local cultural mapping
  • Planning and implementation strategies
  • Evaluation of strategic plans



  • Introductory analysis at the different levels of the cultural management
  • Presentation of some experiences
  • Main applied strategies



Cultural policy

  • Paradigms of contemporary cultural policies
  • International comparative models of cultural policy
  • Strategies for cultural policy
  • Planning and evaluation of cultural policies

Economy of culture

  • Structures and dynamics of cultural markets
  • Cultural participation, consumption and demand
  • Financing strategies

Empowerment and creative references

  • Connotations and dimensions of culture
  • Creativity, cultural industry and creative industry
  • Contemporary cultural dynamics


  • Basics of strategic design and planning
  • Mission, vision and values
  • Diagnostic tools
  • Strategic and operational objectives
  • Projects and programmes assessment
  • Design of programmes and resources assessment
  • Analysis of projects and cultural references


Legal framework

  • Sources of law, normative framework and legal advice
  • Cultural rights
  • Risks and contractual and extra-contractual obligations
  • Legal and tax system of cultural organisations and activities
  • Copyright and intellectual property
  • Administrative skills, organization and activity


  • Introduction to accounting tools and case analysis
  • Design of cost budget
  • Design of revenue budget
  • Breakeven point and projects’ viability
  • Temporality of budgeting and accounting

Introduction to communication and marketing

  • Basics of cultural marketing
  • Segmentation, targeting and positioning
  • Design of the communication strategy
  • Digital and conventional communication
  • Sponsorhip management


  • Topic selection
  • Project design and planning
  • Selection and analysis of references
  • Strategies development
  • Operational proposal
  • Writing and submission

2nd year PROGRAMME


  • Agents, factors and markets
  • Analysis of strategies
  • Analysis of experiences
  • Perspective and evaluation of the dimension



Cultural marketing

  • Cultural marketing: strategic analysis
  • Targeting and positioning
  • Audience analysis and segmentation
  • New audiences and audience retention
  • Audience empowerment

Cultural communication

  • Communication strategies: values, identity, image
  • Communication plan
  • Conventional and digital communication: channels and elements
  • Advertising and media planning

Public Relations and protocol

  • Public relations
  • Protocol


Acquisition and management of own resources

  • Introduction to financing of cultural activities
  • Market-based financing
  • Pricing policy strategies

Fundraising strategies

  • Alternatives for fundraising
  • Financing through public funds
  • Financing through institutional partnership and corporate sponsorship
  • Strategies for participatory financing

Feasibility of cultural projects and organisations

  • Introduction to the concept of economic feasibility
  • Strategies and experiences of cultural entrepreneurship
  • Design of a business plan
  • Financial plan


Prospective and innovation 

  • Creativity versus innovation
  • Value and quality perception
  • Critical analysis of contemporary paradigms of cultural policy
  • Prospective analysis

Human Resources, leadership and governance models

  • Governance models and relations with influential actors
  • Managerial, leadership and team management models and praxis
  • Organization charts and organizational models
  • Managing human resources: responsibilities, tasks, schedules and remuneration
  • Profiles and challenges of the contemporary cultural manager

Mediation strategies and collaborative practices

  • Logic and strategies of mediation
  • Impacts and interactions between culture, education and social strategies
  • Empowerment strategies and cultural volunteering
  • Foundations, paradigms and strategies of collaborative practices
  • Analysis and evaluation of experiences



  • Theoretical framework and contextualisation
  • Sector and context analysis
  • Internal and external diagnosis
  • Benchmarking

Definition of the project

  • Core strategic dimension (mission, vision, values, objectives and strategic guidelines)
  • Programming proposal
  • Legal form, institutional embedding and other legal aspects
  • Organizational chart and human resources
  • Communication plan
  • Technical design of production
  • Timeline
  • Budgeting and financing strategies


  • Evaluation system
  • Evaluation indicators


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Internship organizations

An interesting aspect of the programme is the opportunity to spend an internship period at cultural organisations. For this, the University of Barcelona makes available a standard model of work placement agreement for interested institutions. Pablo Fernández, Internship Coordinator, will guide students during their personal research process. He will also inform them about available intern positions within the scope of the programme.

Historically, our students have done internships in various organizations and cultural and artistic projects such as, among others: Fira Tàrrega, Temporada Alta, Fira Mediterrània, Primavera Sound, Sonar festival, Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Festival de cinema de Sitges, Filmets, Festival de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, Flic Festival, FAdFestival, MACBA, Museu Picasso, CCCB, Experimentem amb l’Art, la Escocesa, Asociación Fondo Guillermo Díaz-Plaja Contestí, l’Auditori, ESMUC, Cases de la Música, ICEC, ICUB, CONCA, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Instituto Cervantes, Sala Beckett, l’Antic Teatre, El Maldà, Rai, Atrium Viladecans, Mar Gómez cia de dansa, Cia Moveo, La petita Malamaluga, Electrico 28, Cia. Mousiké, El Graner, La Nau Ivanow, La Central del Circ, Tres per Tres, Lapsus, LD Eventos, Fundación Contorno Urbano, Fundación Casa América, La Bonne, Casa Asia, Connectats, Planta 1, Trànsit Projectes, Adhoc Cultura, Focus, Club Tr3sC, Planeta, Penguim Random House…


The programme offers quality education for the incorporation and retraining of innovative and competent professionals in different cultural institutions and companies. It also encourages the creation of sustainable and feasible projects at national and international level, and favours exchange among participants and professionals.   Among the alumni of the Master’s course are several professionals who now work in positions of responsibility for national and international cultural projects and venues like, among others, El Festival Grec, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes de Chile (CNCA), l’Auditori de Barcelona, el Consell Nacional de la Cultura i de les Arts de Catalunya (CONCA), el Museu Etnològic de Barcelona, Centro Cultural PUPC, La Seca Espai Brossa, Auditori Pau Casals de El Vendrell, Fundació Suñol, Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB), Fundación Ciudad de la Plata (Argentina), Asociación Canaria de Profesionales de la Gestión Cultural, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Institut Europeu del Mediterrani (IEMED), Trinomio Gestión Cultural de Santiago de Chile, Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio (CICOP Chile), FiraTàrrega, Nau Ivanow, Cie Fabienne Berger, Municipalidad de Concepción (Chile), International Center of Graphic Arts of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Museu d’Art Jaume Morera de Lleida

Direction, coordination and invited professors
Lluís Bonet

Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona.

Academic director and lecturer at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Àngel Mestres

Director at Trànsit projectes

Academic coordinator and lecturer at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies.

On-site and blended learning versions.

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio

Expert on Cultural Mobility, Contemporary Art and International Cultural Cooperation.

Academic coordinator at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies. Blended version.

Jordi Fàbregas

Consultant and project manager at Trànsit Projects.

Academic tutor at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies.  On-site and blended learning versions.

Jordi Baltà

Consultant and researcher specialising in cultural management and policies at Tànsit Proyectos. Expert of the Committee on Culture of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UNESCO.

Lecturer in the first year of the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Ramon Castells

Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona and Director of Studies at Consell Nacional de la Cultura i de les Arts.

Lecturer in the first year of the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Tino Carreño

Professor at Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona and expert in management and production of music and performing arts festivals.

Internship coordinator at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies. On-site learning version.

Andreu Puig

Administrator of the Museu d’Història de Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Albert de Gregorio

Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona and Occupation, Business and Tourism Manager at Barcelona City Council.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Gemma Lladós

Head of Administration at Trànsit projectes

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Pep Salazar

Executive director at OFFF Festival

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Anna Villarroya

Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site and blended learning versions.

Mario Hinojos

Periodista cultural i continguts audiovisuals.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Sandra Costa

Directora de La Costa Comunicació.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Ramón Sangüesa

Director Equipo Cafeína: plataforma d’investigació i comunicació. Doctor en Intel·ligencia Artificial i Aprenentatge Automàtic

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Oriol Martí

Comisario de actividades de Navidad del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Director ejecutivo de Fira Tàrrega (2012-2018).

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Agustí Filomeno

Asesor de Marketing Cultural y Públicos de la Consellera de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Xema Gil

Consultor para entidades del tercer sector. Actualmente trabaja en la gerencia del Ayuntamiento de Rubí.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Jordi Grané

Divulgador. Asesor de los Ayuntamientos de Sabadell y Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Jordi Juanós

Director de la Fundación Plant-for-the-Planet España.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Òscar Martínez

Coordinador del proyecto MakerConvent.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Mariana Pfenniger

Jefa del Área de consultoria y proyectos europeos de Trànsit Projectes.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Marco Muhletaler

Director General del Centro Cultural de la PUCP y Director Festival Internacional de Cine de Lima.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.
Xénia Gaya

Specialised in the field of consultancy, production and research of sponsorship for cultural events. Specialised in project strategy and “Linker” by devotion.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Josep Maria Solías

Director del Museo de Hospitalet.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. On-site learning version.

Jordi Tresserras

Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Barcelona and Expert on Cultural Tourism. Director at IBERTUR and of the LABPATC of the University of Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and CompaniesBlended version.

Xavier Roigé

Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Barcelona.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Joaquina Bobes

Consultant at ARTImetria. Blended version.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Cèsar Abella

Founder and General Director of Trivium. Blended version.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Isona Admetlla

Cultural manager, consultant and professor. Berlinale-World Cinema Fund. Blended version.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Jaume Colomer

Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Education of the University of Barcelona and cultural consultant specialized in performing arts. Blended version.

Valentí Oviedo

Director at Institut de Cultura de Barcelona. Blended version.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies.

Josep Matas

Lecturer at the Master’s course in Management of cultural institutions and companies.

Antoni Laporte

Director at ARTImetria

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Xavier Cubeles

Head of the Laboratory of Economics of Culture & Tourism,
Barcelona Media.

Lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Management of Cultural Institutions and Companies. Blended version.

Núria Serrat

Doctora en Pedagogia per la UB.

Docent en els cursos de postgrau de Gestió Cultural de la UB.



  • Teaching periode: from 19th of October 2022 to 28th of June  2024.
  • Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays from 16:00 to 20h.
  • Pre-enrolment: Until 26 of September 2022
  • Location: IL3 building of the University of Barcelona, C/ Ciutat de Granada, 131, 08018 Barcelona (location).


  • Teaching periode: from 13th of October 2022 to 30th of June 2024.
  • On-site teaching: 2 intensive weeks, from the 16th until 27th of January 2023 and from the 12th until 22th of Setember 2023.
  • Schedule on-site teaching: From Mondays to Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Pre-enrolment: Until 26 of September 2022
  • Location: IL3 building of the University of Barcelona, C/ Ciutat de Granada, 131, 08018 Barcelona (location).

The organisation reserves the right to modify the scheduled dates. In this case, the secretary’s office will notify all participants as soon as possible.

Pre-signup and Enrollment