Barcelona Integrative Resonance - BIR Symposium
17 març, 2023
Número de màster
BIR Symposium is a colloquy organized by CCiTUB and IBEC the 20th and 21st of March 2023. It aims to celebrate the strong magnetic resonance momentum in Barcelona and bring together the scientific community working with this highly versatile technique in a plethora of different applications. Also, it will represent the kick-off meeting upon the installation in Barcelona of three new magnetic resonance instruments: a GHz NMR, a pulsed EPR-ENDOR, and a MRI linked to hyperpolarization.
Hear the symposium presentation and an introduction to the 3 new instruments, along with:
J. F. Sangüesa, CCiTUB director
M. Pons, BioNMR group leader (UB)
I. Marco, MIPMED group leader (IBEC)
G. Aromí, GMMF group leader (UB)
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