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Jose Manuel Diaz Cruz
  • Orcid 0000-0001-8241-3463
  • Category Catedràtic d'Universitat
  • Department Departament d'Enginyeria Química i Química Analítica
  • Faculty Facultat de Química

Participations in Conferences from Jose Manuel Diaz Cruz (157)

157 results found

Núñez, O.; Aragó, M.; Gámez, A.; Serrano, N.; Díaz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2017)

Characterization and classification of Spanish paprika with product designation of origin by HPLC-UV and HPLC-Amperometric fingerprinting

45th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC2017)
Praga, CZE
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Dago, A.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Núñez, O.; Serrano, N.; Subirats, X. (2017)

Summative assessment strategies of the student learning process with global and instant feedback by means of mobile devices

European Conference on Educational Research
Copenhagen, DNK
Ariño, C.; Dago, A.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M., Esteban, M. (2015)

Analysis of phytochelatins in plants stressed with mercury: some real examples

1st International Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules (PTIM 2015)
Caparica-Almada, PRT
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Voltammetric sensor array for the simultaneous determination of Tl(I) and In(III)

21st Transfrontier Meeting on Sensors and Biosensors
Barcelona, ESP
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Voltammetric electronic tongue for metal ions determination

21st Transfrontier Meeting on Sensors and Biosensors
Barcelona, ESP
Serrano, N.; Trechera, P.; Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Modification of screen-printed electrodes: Voltammetric applications to the study of systems of biological and environmental interest

21st Transfrontier Meeting on Sensors and Biosensors
Barcelona, ESP
Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Gómez, A.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

A voltammetric electronic tongue based on commercial screen-printed electrodes for the analysis of aminothiols by differential pulse voltammetry

21st Transfrontier Meeting on Sensors and Biosensors
Barcelona, ESP
Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Saurina, X.; Sahuquillo, A.; Ariño, C.; Rigol, A. (2016)

Estudi de casos a l'assignatura Anàlisi Instrumental del Grau de Química: L'estudi de casos com a eina de connexió entre la teoria i la pràctica de l'Anàlisi Instrumental.

Congrés Internacional de docència universitària i innovació (CIDUI 2016)
Bellaterra (Barcelona), ESP
Serrano, N.; Cavanillas, S.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Application of the exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function to the multivariate curve resolution of highly asymmetric voltammograms

XVI Chemometrics in Analytical Chemistry
Barcelona, ESP
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Voltammetric electronic tongue for metal ions determination

16th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2016)
Bath, GBR
Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

New approaches to antimony film screen-printed electrodes using carbon-based nanomaterials substrates

16th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2016)
Bath, GBR
Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Pedroza, R.H.P.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Analysis of aminothiols with a voltammetric electronic tongue based on screen-printed electrodes

16th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2016)
Bath, GBR
Dago, A.; Ariño, C.; Serrano, N.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Amperometric detection of thiol compounds: considerations and some examples

16th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2016)
Bath, GBR
Ariño, C.; Dago, A.; Aragó, M.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2016)

Multivariate calibration in the analysis of hydroxybenzene isomers

16th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2016)
Bath, GBR
Velia Sosa; Núria Serrano; Cristina Ariño; José Manuel Díaz-Cruz; Miquel Esteban (2016)

Aplicación de electrodos serigrafiados de bismuto para el análisis de metales pesados a niveles traza por voltamperometría de redisolución anódica

XXII Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquímica (SIBAE 2016)
Velia Sosa; Núria Serrano; Cristina Ariño; José Manuel Díaz-Cruz; Miquel Esteban (2016)

Aplicación de técnicas voltamperométricas con electrodos serigrafiados en la determinación de metales pesados en muestras naturales

XXII Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquímica (SIBAE 2016)
Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Serrano, N.; Barceló, C.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2015)

Bismuth and antimony screen-printed carbon electrodes for the determination of Ni(II)

20th Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors
Perpignan, FRA
Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Pérez-Ràfols, C.; Serrano, N.; Ariño, C.; Esteban, M. (2015)

Penicillamine-modified sensor for the voltammetric determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II) ions in natural samples

20th Transfrontier Meeting of Sensors and Biosensors
Perpignan, FRA
de la Gala, M.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M.; Palomo, M.R.; Calvo, L.; Pinilla, E. (2014)

Study of the complexation of Pb(II) with meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid and 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesuphonic acid using a bismuth bulk-rotating disk electrode

15th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2014)
Malmo, SWE
Dago, A.; Ariño, C.; Díaz-Cruz, J.M.; Esteban, M. (2014)

Phytoremediation of heavy metals: analysis of phytochelatins in plants using HPLC with electrochemical detection

14as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental
Barcelona, ESP