
Ewout Ewout Frankema (Universidad de Utrecht): “Jails, Roads or Hospitals?Fiscal Expansion and Government Spending in British Colonial Africa, 1880-1940” ,11 Desembre 2009, 12:00 Aula 325 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques i Empresarials UB

Ana Garcia (UB), Factors affecting Differencies in International ARV prices, 20 Novembre 2009, 12:00 Aula 325 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques i Empresarials UB

Fabian Gouret (UB), “When Kahneman meets Manski: Using framing effects to interpret subjective expectations of equity returns“06 Novembre 2009, 12:00 Aula 309 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques i Empresarials UB

Jeffrey Williamson. Harvard University, “History without Evidence: Latin American Inequality since 1941”28 Juliol 2009, 10:00 Sala d’Actes. Fac. Econòmiques i Empresarials UB

Emmanuele Felice. Universita di Bologna:, “Regional value added in Italy (1891-2001) and the backbone of a long term picture ” 19 Juny 2009, 13:00 Aula 318 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques i Empresarials UB

Henry Willebald . Universidad Carlos III Madrid, “Natural resource abundant economies during the first globalization: growth,inequality and frontier expansion”27 Febrer 2009, Aula 319 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques UB

Daniel Fernando Carolo. ICS. Universidade Lisboa ,The Politics of Pension Reforms: What comparative pension expenditure in Portugal and Spain* can reveal about south-European welfare performance? 4 Desember 2008, 14:30 Aula 318 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques UB

Leandro Prados de la Escosura-Universidad Carlos III Madrid: ,”International Inequality and Polarization in Living Standars, 1870-2000“.27 Novembre 2008, 14:00. Sala de Recepcions. Fac. Econòmiques UB

Alfonso Herranz.UB. “The Contribution of Railways to Productivity Growth in Latin America before 1914: The cases of Mexico, Brazil and Argentina”, 7 Novembre 2008, 12:00 Aula 318 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques UB

Markus Brunker. CAEPS-UPF.”Population Size and Civil conflict risk. Evidence from instrumental variable Estimates”, 17 Octubre 2008, 12:00 Aula 318 ERE. Fac. Econòmiques UB


Workshop on Energy and Environment Udg – XREPP, 2 Octubre 2009.

Second Joint Research design Course.(RDC) ESTER-C.ESTUDIS ANTONY DE CAMPMANY-GLOBAL EURONET -XREPP, 28-31 Juliol 2009 U.B

Reunió Internacional:”Health Care Access, Financing and Use” in collaboration with the London School of Economics, 23-24 Abril 2009 U.B

Reunió Internacional:” Modelos de Bienestar y Desarrollo Económico en América latina y Europa del Sur: Una aproximación de largo plazo desde la prespectiva del gasto Público Social, 16-17 Setembre 2008 U.B.

Workshop on Access, Financing and Utilisation of Health Care. XREPP-LSE Health, April 23rd-24th, 200, Barcelona, Faculty of Economics and Business UB.
Organisers: Joan Costa Font, XREPP & LSE, & Alistair McGuire, LSE. Program.