Glòria Guirao Soro

Glòria Guirao Soro


Glòria GuiraoSoro holds a PhD in Sociology from the Universitat de Barcelona and the Université Paris 8, under the supervision of Alain Quemin and Arturo Rodríguez Morató. She has a degree in Art History and a Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Art History from the Universitat de Barcelona. Her academic career includes stays at Goldsmiths University of London, the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC in Madrid and the Université Paris IV-Sorbonne.
Her doctoral thesis studies intra-EU migrations of Spanish visual arts professionals since 1986. Working within the framework of a sociology of the artistic professions that integrates the spatial dimension, this research tries to analyze the migratory trajectories of these professionals, their inscription in precise destinations and the set of social, economic and symbolic factors that influence their decisions, as well as the result of the migration project and national and international artistic consecration.
Previously and in parallel with her doctoral research work, Glòria Guirao Soro has collaborated in numerous projects and artistic institutions in Spain (CA2M, Artium Vitoria, MACBA, MAS Santander, among others), Germany (KH Bremen, GAK) and France (Jeu de Paume) as a curator and coordinator of contemporary art exhibitions, as a production assistant and as an art critic and editor.

Glòria Guirao Soro. . Partir pour réussir ? La « double absence » des artistes espagnol·es émigré·es dans les centres artistiques européens. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales. Le Seuil. 246-247. 130-145.

La movilidad internacional forma parte de la carrera artística de quienes aspiran a integrarse en los circuitos internacionales de difusión del arte contemporáneo. La migración de artistas procedentes de las periferias del mundo del arte contemporáneo “globalizado” hacia los “centros artísticos” de éste puede favorecer la internacionalización de sus carreras. Las migraciones de artistas…


Glòria Guirao Soro. . Institutional policies and individual decision-making in artistic migrations: the case of Spanish artists and art mediators in the European Union. European Societies. 1-21.

Long-established hierarchies of power between territories persist in the so- called global art world. Spanish participants in the art world take advantage of the European free movement regime to internationalise their profiles and improve their chances of global success by migrating to global art hubs like Berlin, Paris or London. Institutional programmes fostering international mobility of…

Glòria Guirao Soro. . Profesionales españoles del arte contemporáneo en Paris y Berlín. ¿Quién va a dónde?. Artistas y reconocimiento. Un enfoque sociológico. Gijón. Trea. 119-154.

Glòria Guirao Soro. . Naissance de l’art contemporain. Une histoire mondiale (1945-1970). Arte, Individuo y Sociedad. 33(3). 1061.

Ressenya de Joyeux-Prunel, Béatrice (2021): Naissance de l’art contemporain. Une histoire mondiale (1945-1970). Paris: CNRS Éditions.


Glòria Guirao Soro. . Panorama d’institucions artístiques a la ciutat de Bremen. EMBLECAT. Revista de l’Associació Catalana d’Estudis d’Emblemàtica. Art i Societat. 2. 153-158 .