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Participation in the International Congress Private Archives and Convents (Jerez, 2021)

A large representation of Monastic Landscapes participated on 16-18 June 2021 in the International Congress held in Jerez de Frontera, Private archives and convents, co-organised by the same project, the Pablo Olavide University of Seville and the Jerez Association of Friends of the Archive. The focus of the conference was on archives, archival history and the documentary production of monasteries and convents in a comparative perspective (essentially with Italian and American cases).

The scientific meeting made it possible, among other things, to to present the results of the Claustra-Atlas project (precedent of Monastic Landscapes) from the perspective of the history of women’s monastic archives in their concentration (in public or conventual archives) or documentary dispersion;  to situate archives and archival sources in the territorial and archaeological analysis that is the basis of the research carried out in different research projects (Claustra, Spiritual Landscapes, Monastic Landscapes); to analyse the archival-documentary perspective of some manifestations of female spirituality (deovotas, Beguines) and to confirm the potential of the analysis of the archival function (place of the archive, archive managers, etc.) in order to understand these manifestations.

These papers will be published in a monograph published by the journal Edad Media. Revista de Historia (2023).


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