«Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English»

9ecd3ccea5ea72e6ee876b899f30dc62Currently in its third edition, Interuniversity Style Guide for Writing Institutional Texts in English (Manual d’estil interuniversitari per a la redacció de textos institucionals en anglès) is produced and maintained by the Language Quality Work Group of the Vives Network of Universities, in which the University of Barcelona participates. It is designed for use by the administrative, teaching and research staff and language professionals who are responsible for writing institutional texts in English. Although one section focuses on how to write clearly, the word style in the title refers not to literary style but to those linguistic conventions concerning spelling, punctuation, typographical display and other editorial issues that are essential for consistent, clear and precise language and layout. Consistency in these areas leads to clarity and cohesion which, in turn, makes documents more straightforward for readers. As transmitters of knowledge, universities have to be rigorous in their use of language so that they can fulfil the scientific purpose of describing reality and making the complexity of this reality more readily understandable.