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Closing Session. María Teresa Costa Campi, Luis Cabral

7 febrer, 2017
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Acte de cloenda a l'Auditori Antoni Caparrós del Parc Científic de Barcelona del V International Academic Symposium: Challenges for the Energy Sector. En aquest acte de tancament presideixen la taula la Directora de la Càtedra de Sostenibilitat Energètica de la UB i Investigadora de la IEB, María Teresa Costa-Campi; i la intervenció de Luis Cabral de la University of New York amb la ponència Recent Developments in Industrial Organization and their Application to the Energy Sector.

Closing ceremony at the Auditorium Antoni Caparrós PCB about V International Academic Symposium: Challenges for the Energy Sector. In the event of closure Chairmen Director of the Sustainable Energy Chair of the UB and researcher of the IEB, María Teresa Costa Campi; Luis Cabral of University of New York and his intervention with the report Recent Developments in Industrial Organization and their Application to the Energy Sector.

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