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3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference


Once again this year, the Institute for Water Research (IdRA) is inviting young water researchers from the University of Barcelona to participate in a public, collaborative and interdisciplinary forum for scientific debate. The 3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will take place over the course of one day and include a scientific exchange social activity in addition to the presentation of the participants' scientific work.

In line with the two previous editions, the main objective of the IdRA Young Researchers' Conference is to build bridges between water scientists from different disciplines in the early stages of their research. Thus, the conference aspires to be a meeting place for the presentation, debate and public dissemination of young people's scientific research in the field of water.

The 3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will take place on 24 May 2018. Details of the social activity planned for the afternoon session will be announced soon.

The event is aimed at scientists under 35 years of age in the following professional situations:

•     UB master's degree students writing their final project (TFM);

•     UB PhD students;

•    Other researchers attached and/or linked to the UB through contracts, research projects or membership of a research group.
As in previous editions, one of the requirements for participants is to be linked to an IdRA member, who will have to endorse their participation. Each IdRA member can endorse a maximum of two participants.

The young researchers will have 10 minutes to present their scientific work. The presentation can be given in Catalan, Spanish, or English, individually or in pairs. At the end of each thematic block, once all the papers have been presented, there will be time to answer any questions and generate a shared, participative scientific debate. Once again, speakers are asked to prioritise the informative nature of their presentations, to provide a common basis for all participants and attendees.  

Those wishing to participate in the 3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference must fill in and print the registration form, then, once signed by the IdRA reference researcher, send it renamed as indicated, together with a summary of their presentation, in accordance with the style guide, extension and format outlined in the summary template. Please send the files with the following nomenclature:

• Registration: "180524_IIIJJI_inscripcio_cognom1cognom2.pdf"

• Summary: “180524_IIIJJI_resum_ponencia_cognom1cognom2.docx”.
Link to registration form

Download the summary template

The deadline for the submission of these two documents is 2 April 2018 at 12:00h. They must be sent by email to info.idra@ub.edu. This deadline is strictly non-extendable.

Proposals will be evaluated and, where appropriate, accepted by the scientific and organising committee. All authors of accepted papers will receive a certificate of participation. Those who duly accredit their full participation in the conference will also receive a certificate of attendance (non-speaker attendees can register on the day of the conference).

Attendees will receive a dossier with a summary of the presentations. The event is free to attend.

Please make every effort to publicise the event within your departments and research groups.

Scientific coordinators:

Roser Marsal Aguilera
Department of History and Archaeology
Faculty of Geography and History

Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu
Department of Geography
Faculty of Geography and History

Scientific tutor:

Dr. Roser Rubio Rovira
Expertise Board
Governing Board of the IdRA

Organising Committee:

Núria Casals Lloria
Research technical and administrative manager
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Petia Guíntchev Toneva
Technical research suport officer
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Scientific direction:

Prof. Javier Martín-Vide
Director of the Water Research Institute (IdRA)



3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference

Date: 24th May 2018

Place: Aula Magna of the Faculty of Earth Sciences, UB

How to get there?


Certificate of attendance: those attending the conference can obtain a certificate of attendance by filling in the registration form and signing the attendance sheet during the event.
For more information, please contact the organising staff during the Conference.


9.00 h Opening session

Dra. Amelia Díaz, Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Quality of the University of Barcelona
Dr. Domènec Espriu, Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Barcelona
Dr. Albert Casas, Dean of the Earth Science of Biology
Dr. Javier Martín-Vide, director of the IdRA
Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu, scientific coordinator of the Conference
Prof. Roser Marsal Aguilera, scientific coordinator of the Conference

9.20 h Characterisation and ecology of water bodies - Moderator: Pere Emiliano Estapé

Phenotyping under drought stress.
Fatima Zahra Rezzouk i Adrian Gracia Romero. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Integrative Crop Ecophysiology Group.

Utilització de mètodes combinats de remediació química i biològica per a la degradació de fonts de contaminació per solvents clorats.
Javier Rodríguez-Bocanegra. Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology. Grup de Recerca de Geologia Econòmica, Ambiental i Hidrologia.

Early indicators of Verticillium Wilt of Olive (VWO) in asymptomatic young olive trees.
Marc Sancho Adamson. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences.


10.00 h Water chemistry (I) – Moderator: Núria López Vinent

Efecto del pH y la temperatura en la fermentación acidogénica de residuos orgánicos sobre la concentración y composición de los ácidos grasos volátiles generados en la fracción líquida.
Carme Vidal Antich i Yen Keong Cheah. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Grup de Biotecnologia Ambiental.

Hydroxyl radical formation and prediction of micropollutants abatement during ozonation of municipal wastewater effluents.
Alberto Cruz Alcalde. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada.

Optimització d’un mètode SPE per a l’especiació d’arsènic en productes de la pesca.
Núria Ferré Roca. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Qualitat en la determinació de contaminants prioritaris i avaluació de llur comportament (Qüestram).

Preparació de nous patrons per a l’especiació d’arsènic en algues comestibles mitjançant HPLC-ICP-MS.
Anna Vivó Navarro. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Qualitat en la determinació de contaminants prioritaris i avaluació de llur comportament (Qüestram).


11.00 h Coffee break

11.30 h Global change and water management – Moderator: Albert Santasusagna Riu

Càlcul de l’índex de l’Oscil·lació de la Mediterrània Occidental amb tècniques d’anàlisi multivariant.
Laia Arbiol Roca. Department of Geography. Grup de Climatologia.

Modelització de la precipitació hivernal al Pirineu de Catalunya en base a diferents situacions sinòptiques. Una eina operativa per a la predicció d’allaus.
Marc Lemus Cánovas. Department of Geography. Grup de Climatologia.

Xarxes de distribució de l'aigua al jaciment de Sela (Tafila, Jordània).
Roser Marsal Aguilera. Department of History and Archaeology. Grup de Recerca sobre l’Arqueologia de la Complexitat i els Processos d’Evolució Social – Proper Orient Antic (GRACPE/POA).  

L’aigua com agent globalitzador de la pesta negra: una proposta didàctica interdisciplinària.
Judit Sabido-Codina. Department of Teaching and Learning of Social Sciences, Teaching and and Learning in Music Education, Teaching and Learning of Physical Education, Teaching and Learning in Visual and Artistic Education. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació (ICE). Didàctica de la Història, la Geografia i altres Ciències Socials (DHiGeCs)


12.30 h Territorial planning and water governance – Moderator: Roser Marsal Aguilera

Les estructures de governança i els conflictes socioambientals: el sector de la pesca marina i l’aqüicultura a anàlisi.
Sergi Arnau Castel. Department of Administrative Law, Procedural Law and Financial and Tax Law

La gestió dels recursos hídrics des de la participació ciutadana: cap a un futur de decisions compartides.
Abel Carretero Ernesto. Department of Geography. Grup de Geògrafs per l’Ecologia Social (2GES).

La relació riu-platja: la sobreexplotació d'un aqüífer ens pot deixar sense platges?
Enric Sagristà Soler. Department of Earth and Ocean Dynamics

Rius urbans, corredors ecològics? Una reflexió crítica de la regeneració moderna dels espais fluvials des de l’òptica ambiental.
Albert Santasusagna Riu. Department of Geography. Grup de Recerca Ambiental Mediterrània (GRAM).


15.00 h Microbiology and water usage – Moderator: Laia Arbiol Roca

Caracterització microbiològica a les diverses etapes de tractament de plantes potabilitzadores.
Pere Emiliano Estapé. Col·laborator of the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics and of the Department of Biology, Healthcare and the Environment. Tècnic de R+D+i i control de procés d’ATLL – CGC SA.

Detección, aislamiento y cuantificación de Campylobacter spp. e indicadores microbiológicos en muestras de agua procedentes de dos plantas potabilizadoras.
Estefanía Nathaly Eras Muñoz. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (MARS).

Determinación de ooquistes de Cryptosporidium spp. y quistes de Giardia spp. en aguas de proceso de dos estaciones de tratamiento de agua potable (ETAP).
Cristina Dacal Rodríguez. Department of Biology, Healthcare and the Environment.

Métodos para la validación de materiales de referencia utilizados en el análisis de virus bacteriófagos.
Luisa Fernanda Riaño García. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (MARS).

Bluephage©: El método más rápido disponible para la detección de colifagos somáticos como indicadores de contaminación fecal en aguas y alimentos.
Daniel Toribio Avedillo. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (MARS).


16.15 h Water chemistry (II) – Moderator: Alberto Cruz Alcalde

Influència de la matriu en el tractament del propranolol mitjançant el procés foto-Fenton.
Coral Gutiérrez Fernández. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada.

Emerging pollutants abatement by UV-A LED photo-Fenton in a batch reactor.
Núria López Vinent. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada.

The performance of Fenton and photo-Fenton processes to reduce the dye contamination present in wastewater effluents.
Margalida Ribas García. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada.


17.00 h Water Dates: Speed Networking

17.30 h Conclusion


The Institute for Water Research (IdRA) held the 3rd IdRA Young Researchers' Conference on 24 May 2018. The day gave a platform to 25 speakers from 6 faculties and 1 from the research institute itself.

The conference was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research, Dr Domènec Espriu, the Dean of the host Faculty of Earth Sciences, Dr Albert Casas, and the Director of IdRA, Dr Javier Martín-Vide.

As in previous editions, the scientific organisation was led by the young researchers themselves, in this case, with coordination from Dr Albert Santasusagna and Prof. Roser Marsal.

The IdRA Young Researchers' Conference is one of the activities organised by the Institute to stimulate the various branches of water science.

Summaries of the papers have been published in an issue of the IdRA Documents collection.

Tags: Inici Activitats


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