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4th IdRA Young Researchers' Conference







For the fourth consecutive year, the Institute for Water Research (IdRA) has invited young water experts from the University of Barcelona to present, share, debate and discover new scientific challenges in an open, plural and transdisciplinary environment. The 4th IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will take place over the course of one day. After a presentation of the participants' scientific advances, an environmental dissemination activity will be held during the afternoon session.

With the aim of consolidating the scientific relationship between the participants, this year's IdRA Young Researchers' Conference will seek to strike a balance between the oral presentations, which should be examples of synthesis, and the subsequent discussion with the rest of the speakers and conference participants. Building bridges between academia and society requires the transfer and dissemination of knowledge suitable for all levels and the ability to find common ground between different but complementary visions.

The 4th IdRA Young Researchers’ Conference will take place on 3 June 2019. Details of the afternoon session's environmental dissemination activity will be announced soon.


The event is aimed at scientists under 35 years of age in the following professional situations:

•     UB master's degree students writing their final project (TFM)
•     UB PhD students
•    Other researchers attached and/or linked to the UB through contracts, research projects and/or membership of a research group

As in previous editions, one of the requirements for participants is to be linked to an IdRA member, who will have to endorse their participation. Each IdRA member can endorse a maximum of two participants.


The young researchers will have to publicly present their scientific work in a 5-minute flash talk that demonstrates their capacity for synthesis and outlines their research objectives, methodology and general conclusion. The flash talk can be given in Catalan, Spanish or English, individually or in pairs. At the end of each thematic block, once all the papers have been presented, there will be time to answer any questions and generate a shared, participative scientific debate. Once again, speakers are asked to prioritise the informative nature of their flash talks to provide a common basis for all participants and attendees.

Those wishing to participate in the 4th IdRA Young Researchers' Conference must fill in and print the registration form, then, once signed by the IdRA reference researcher, send it renamed as indicated, together with a summary of their presentation in accordance with the style guide, extension and format outlined in the summary template. Please send the files with the following nomenclature:

•         Registration: "190603_IVJJI_inscripcio_cognom1cognom2.pdf"
•         Summary: “190603_IVJJI_resum_ponencia_cognom1cognom2.docx”

Link to registration form

Download the summary template

The deadline for the submission of these two documents is 1 April 2019. They must be sent by email to info.idra@ub.edu. This deadline is strictly non-extendable.

Proposals will be evaluated and, where appropriate, accepted by the scientific and organising committee. All authors of accepted papers will receive a certificate of participation.

Attendees will receive a dossier with a summary of the presentations. The event is free to attend.

Please make every effort to publicise the event within your departments and research groups.


Scientific coordinators

Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu
Department of Geography
Faculty of Geography and History
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Ms. Roser Marsal Aguilera
Department of History and Archaeology
Faculty of Geography and History
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Mr. Ruben Garcia Artigas
Water Research Institute (IdRA)
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology
Faculty of Earth Sciences

Scientific tutors

Dr. Roser Rubio Rovira
Expertise Board
Governing Board
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Dr. Jordi Serra Raventós
Expertise Board
Governing Board
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Technical coordination

Ms. Nuria Casals Lloria
Research technical and administrative manager of the Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Organising Committee

Prof. Javier Martín-Vide
Director of the Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Ms. Nuria Casals Lloria
Research technical and administrative manager of the Water Research Institute (IdRA)
Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu
Department of Geography
Faculty of Geography and History
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Ms. Roser Marsal Aguilera
Department of History and Archaeology
Faculty of Geography and History
Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Sr. Ruben Garcia Artigas
Water Research Institute (IdRA)
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology
Faculty of Earth Sciences

Scientific direction

Prof. Javier Martín-Vide
Director of the Water Research Institute (IdRA)

Institut de Recerca de l'Aigua (IdRA), Universitat de Barcelona

Contacte: info.idra@ub.edu


4th IdRA Young Researchers' Conference

Date: 3rd June 2019

Place: Aula de Graus of the Faculty of Biology, UB

How to get there?



9.00 h Opening session

Dr. Amelia Díaz, Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and Quality of the University of Barcelona
Dr. Domènec Espriu, Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Barcelona
Dr. Isabel Muñoz, Vice-Dean for Research of the Faculty of Biology
Dr. Javier Martín-Vide, director of the IdRA
Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu, scientific coordinator of the Conference
Ms. Roser Marsal Aguilera, scientific coordinator of the Conference
Mr. Ruben A. Garcia Artigas, scientific coordinator of the Conference

9.20 h Water, territory, and society - Moderator: Roser Marsal Aguilera

Inundaciones históricas en la provincia de Almería. Tendencias e incertidumbres
Carlos Sánchez García. Department of Geography. Paleogeoecologia, Riscs Naturals i Gestió Ambiental (PaleoRisk-FluVAlps)

Conflictos del agua en Cataluña: la mediación ambiental como herramienta de avenencia
Xavier Villalba Cotado. Department of Geography

Superposició de règims jurídics internacionals en matèria d’aigua i protecció de la biodiversitat: el cas d’Àsia Central
Pol Pallàs Secall. Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Science, and Public International Law and International Relations

La gestió de l'aigua a la Barcelona del segle XIX. Una revisió de les propostes d'Ildefons Cerdà i Pere García Fària
Albert Santasusagna Riu. Department of Geography. Grup de Recerca Ambiental Mediterrània (GRAM)


10.00 h Water chemistry (I) – Moderator: Núria López Vinent

Biotoxines marines en aigües de la costa catalana
Noemí-Inmaculada Medina Pérez. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry Química Analítica. Anàlisi de contaminants

Nuevas estrategias para el análisis y control de la contaminación ambiental
Juan Francisco Ayala Cabrera. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Química analítica. Anàlisi de contaminants

Preparación y caracterización de nuevos materiales poliméricos para la absorción y medida de 222Rn en agua
Arnau Coma Garcia. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Qualitat en la determinació de contaminants prioritaris i avaluació de llur comportament (Qüestram)

Desenvolupament d'un mètode de detecció en continu de fosfats en aigües residuals mitjançant polímers fluorescents
Dídac Serraïma López. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Qualitat en la determinació de contaminants prioritaris i avaluació de llur comportament (Qüestram)

Evaluation of Volatile Fatty Acids production from MBT plant waste: temperature effects
David Fernández Domínguez. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Biotecnologia Ambiental

Degradation of diclofenac and imidacloprid by UVC-H2O2: yields and intermediates identification
Jana Font i Pomarol. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada


11.00 h Coffee break

11.30 h Earth and environmental sciences – Moderator: Albert Santasusagna Riu

Ús de tècniques geofísiques per a la monitorització del clogging en aiguamolls artificials

Ruben A. Garcia Artigas. Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology. Geologia econòmica i ambiental i hidrologia

Evaluation of the capacity of rocks and sediments from East African Rift Valley to release fluoride to groundwater
Olaya C. Cossío Pérez. Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology. Isòtops estables i mineralogia (MAiMA)

Prueba piloto de movilización de una fuente de percloroetileno (PCE) en la zona de transición desde el acuífero al acuitardo combinando mZVI y bioestimulación con ácido láctico
Marta Isabel Díez Moncada. Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology. Geologia econòmica i ambiental i hidrologia

Fluvial record in Sant Maurici Lake
Miquel Àngel Calero Tomàs. Department of Geography. Paleogeoecologia, Riscs Naturals i Gestió Ambiental (PaleoRisk-FluVAlps)

Space Stream Project. Spatial and temporal flow intermittency in fluvial ecosystems: effects on structure, function and ecosystem services
Aida Viza Sánchez. Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Research Group on Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Waterhed Management and Restoration (FORESTREAM)


12.15 h Microbiology and water usage – Moderator: Julia Martín Díaz

VirWaTest: A Point-Of-Use Method for the Detection of Viruses in Water Samples
Eva Forés Gil. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Laboratori de Virus Contaminants d’Aigua i Aliments (VIRCONT)

Desarrollo de una metodología rápida para la detección de colifagos como indicadores de contaminación fecal en aguas
Daniel Toribio Avedillo. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (MARS)

Estructura y diversidad de las comunidades bacterianas en el curso de un río mediterráneo con descarga de agua residual humana
Míriam Pascual Benito. Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Microbiologia d’Aigües Relacionada amb la Salut (MARS)

Utilización de aguas residuales regeneradas en la agricultura
Clara Sánchez Cerdà. Department of Biology, Healthcare and the Environment. Hidrologia Sanitària i de la Cooperació (HIDROSEC)

Indicadores en procesos de tratamiento de agua potable: parámetros parasitológicos
Cristina Dacal Rodríguez. Department of Biology, Healthcare and the Environment


13.00 h Water chemistry (II) – Moderator: Ruben A. Garcia Artigas

Tractament d’aigües residuals municipals mitjançant bioreactors de membrana anaeròbics: en el camí d’un canvi de paradigma en el sector de l’aigua?
Sergi Vinardell Cruañas. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Biotecnologia Ambiental

Producció de bioplàstics a partir d’una corrent líquida rica en àcids grassos volàtils
Carme Vidal Antich. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Biotecnologia Ambiental

Biological pretreatment of food waste for acidogenic fermentation to produce volatile fatty acids in the liquid fraction
Yen Keong Cheah. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Biotecnologia Ambiental

Ozone-based processes for enhanced wastewater treatment and water reuse
Alberto Cruz Alcalde. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada

Photo-Fenton at neutral pH using organic fertilizer as a chelating agent for wastewater reuse
Núria López Vinent. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada

Advanced Oxidation Processes for micropollutant abatement in seawater matrix
Dimitrios Zanganas. Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Chemistry. Enginyeria de Processos d'Oxidació Avançada


14.00 h Break

16.00 h Documentary screening: Ciudad 2030: nuevas economías y cambio climático (NESI Global Forum & Fundación Biodiversidad)

16.30 h Group activity: Interactive quiz (Kahoot!) on the documentary and the papers presented during the conference with active participation from the audience and speakers and a small gift for the winner.

17.00 h Conclusion

Conference Summary by the scientific coordinators Dr Javier Martín-Vide, director of the IdRA and the scientific coordinators of the Conference Dr. Albert Santasusagna Riu, Ms. Roser Marsal Aguilera and Mr. Ruben A. Garcia Artigas)

Tags: Activitats


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