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Symposium 2010 «Coastal Waters Environmental Quality»


Symposium papers
Scientific Committee of the Symposium



The density of the population and the activities that have been carried out in the coastal area in recent decades have put coastal systems under considerable stress. Coastal waters have been particularly affected. They constitute the first band of the marine system and, until recently, they were considered a general place for dumping wastewater. Now, their environmental parameters must be preserved through the implementation of strict regulations at all levels.

The recent history and development of our coastal waters are an example of the speed with which such regulations have had to be tackled. In less than three decades, we have progressed from dumping totally untreated urban wastewaters directly into the sea along the coastline, to treating these waters and taking them a certain distance away from the coast in outflow pipes. Now, water treatment systems enable us to reuse the water. However, there are numerous areas of the Mediterranean basin in which this process has still not been completed or has only just begun. Since there is now an environmental policy for the entire basin, which is the responsibility of the Union for the Mediterranean (UM), the recently initiated process of coordinating and monitoring the health of this sea will be carried out from the UM headquarters in Barcelona. Hence, the essential nature of studies that increase our understanding of this environment, starting with the waters that bathe our coasts.

The UB Water Research Institute organizes a symposium every year. This year, for the first time, the symposium is at international level. The aim is to present some of the work of Water Research Institute members and that of the collaborations in which the Institute participates. Due to the recently created UM, which has its headquarters in Barcelona, the focus of this symposium is the Mediterranean and the coastal waters in particular.

A panel of prestigious national and international researchers has been selected for this event to highlight the wide range of specializations involved in the field, including legal aspects, national and international regulations, environmental aspects, and the activities that are undertaken in this field.

The program includes the presentation of papers, a round table and an open session, as well as poster presentations.

Dr. Jordi Serra Raventós
Symposium organizer


Date: 12 November 2010
Place: Aula Magna in the UB Faculty of Law

The Symposium was broadcasted live on the internet via streaming on UBTV


Gestión integral de los vertidos del saneamiento en el litoral (Comprehensive management of treated wastewater on the coast)
Pere Malgrat
Clavegueram de Barcelona (CLABSA)

Situación ambiental de los puertos, el Puerto de Barcelona como ejemplo (Environmental situation of ports: the Port of Barcelona)
Javier Romo
Dep. Seguridad Industrial y Medio Ambiente
Autoridad Portuária de Barcelona  

Oil pollution in coastal waters
Michael A. Kruge
Dep. of Earth and Environmental Studies
Montclair State University 

Gestión ecosistémica de aguas costeras (Ecosystem management of coastal waters)
Jordi Camp
Dep. Biología Marina y Oceanografía
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), CSIC

Monitoring of coastal waters and environmental indicators
Ana Carla Martins Garcia
Dep. Engª Mecânica. Secção de Ambiente e Energia
Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa

Aguas de baño. Control de la salubridad (Monitoring bathing water quality)
Mariona de Torres
Agencia Catalana del Agua (ACA), Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Papel de la dinámica de aguas costeras en la distribución de los parámetros de calidad (Role of the dynamics of coastal waters in the distribution of quality parameters)
Jordi Salat
Dep. Oceanografía Física
Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM), CSIC

Aspectos legislativos de las aguas litorales (Legislative aspects of coastal waters)
Belén Noguera
Dep. Derecho Administrativo y Derecho Procesal. Facultad de Derecho, UB
Instituto de INvestigación del Agua, UB

Debate with the speakers
Moderator: Javier Romero
Dep. Ecología. Facultad de Biología, UB
Instituto de Investigación del Agua, UB


The «Nutrient Analyses Laboratory» of the Institut de Ciències del Mar of Barcelona (CSIC): a service for the marine water quality study
Elisa Berdalet Andrés, Dolors Blasco Font de Rubinat, Maravillas Abad Peláez.
Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC, Spain

Evaluation of the microbiological quality of coastal waters by quantifying human and animal viruses
Sílvia Bofill Mas, Byron Calgua, Anna Carratalà, Sandra Fresno, Laura Guerrero, Ayalkibet Hundesa, Jesus Rodriguez-Manzano, Marta Rusiñol, Rosina Girones.
Dept. de Microbiologia, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Estudio comparativo de métodos de cuantificación de E. coli en aguas de baño
Ana Costán-Longares, Miriam Agulló-Barceló, Francisco Lucena Gutiérrez.
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Application of advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of micropollutants in wastewater
Renato F. Dantas, Natalia de la Cruz, Olga Callejo, Verónica Domínguez, Ana Justo, Violette Romero, Xavier Santiago, Pilar Marco, Santiago Esplugas
Dept. d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Biological water treatment. Effluent and biomass characterization
Oscar González, María del Mar Micó, Marc Esplugas, Angel Cruz, Bruno Domenjoud, Ywann Penru, Carme Sans, Jaume Giménez.
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Fluvial inputs and stable isotopic tracers (d13C and d15N) of organic matter discharged to the NW Mediterranean
Marina Higueras1, Philippe Kerhervé2, Anna Sanchez-Vidal1, Antoni Calafat1, Miquel Canals1, Serge Heussner2.
1GRC Geociències Marines, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2CEFREM, CNRS-Université de Perpignan, France

Geophysical Surveys for Delineating Salt Water Intrusion and Fresh Water Resources in the Oued Laou Coastal Aquifer, Morocco
Mahjoub Himi1, Jamal Stitou2, Luis Rivero1, Adil Salhi2, Josefina Tapias3, Albert Casas1.
1Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Espanya; 2Université Abdelmalek Essadi Tetouan, Morocco; 3Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Geochemical investigation of sediments from Barcelona harbor and open sea front for rapid assessment of contamination
Michael A. Kruge¹, Albert Permanyer², Jordi Serra2,3
1Dept. of Earth and Environmental Studies, Montclair State University, USA; 2Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 3Institut de l’Aigua, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Measurement of arsenic compounds in littoral zone algae from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Occurrence of arsenobetaine
Toni Llorente-Mirandes1, Maria José  Ruiz-Chancho1,2, Mercedes Barbero3, Roser Rubio1,4, José Fermín López-Sánchez1,4.
1Dept. de Química Analítica, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2Dept. of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Germany; 3Dept. de Biologia Vegetal, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 4Institut de l'Aigua, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Determination of arsenic compounds in marine algae from the Thermaic Gulf in North Greece by LC-ICP/MS
Albert Pell Lorente1, Giannis Kokkinis2, Malea Paraskevi3, Spiros A. Pergantis2, Fermín López Sánchez1,4, Roser Rubio1,4.
1Dept. de Química Analítica, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2Dept. of Chemistry, University of Crete, Greece; 3Dept. of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; 4Institut de l'Aigua, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain

Characterisation of natural organic matter from coastal seawater: polarity and compound families
Ywann Penru1, Francesc Xavier Simón1, Andrea Raquel Guastalli2, Joan Llorens1, Santiago Esplugas1.
1Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2Degrémont, S.A., France

Productos de teledetección para la monitorización de variables de calidad del agua
Araceli Pi, Antonio Reppucci, Laia Romero, Laura Moreno, Masayo Haneda.
Starlab, Spain

«System Approach Framework»: un estudio de caso de las playas urbanas de la ciudad de Barcelona
Sergio Sastre, Benjamin Tomlinson, Dolors Blasco, Jorge Guillén.
Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC, Spain

Characterisation of natural organic matter from coastal seawater: size distribution and bioreactivity
Francesc Xavier Simón Font1, Penru,Ywann1, Andrea Raquel Guastalli2, Santiago  Esplugas1, Joan  Llorens1, Sylvie Baig1.
1Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 2Degrémont, S.A., France

The distribution of competencies between the Union and the Federate States in the matter of coastal waters in Brazil
Patrícia Teixeira do Carmo.
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain 


Jordi Serra Raventós
Symposium Organizer
Stratigraphy lecturer
Department of Stratigraphy, Paleontology and Marine Geosciences, UB Faculty of Geology
UB Water Research Institute

María Jesús Montoro
Director of the Water Research Institute
Administrative law professor
Department of Administrative Law and Procedural Law, UB Faculty of LawUB Water Research Institute

Francisco Lucena
Microbiology professor
Department of Microbiology, UB Faculty of Biology
UB Water Research Institute

Belén Noguera
Administrative law lecturer
Department of Administrative Law and Procedural Law, UB Faculty of Law
UB Water Research Institute

Mercedes Gracenea
Parasitology lecturer
Department of Health Microbiology and Parasitology, UB Faculty of Pharmacy
UB Water Research Institute

Javier Romero
Ecology lecturer
Department of Ecology, UB Faculty of Biology
UB Water Research Institute

Albert Palanques
CSIC research lecturer
Department of Marine Geology
Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), CSIC



Tags: Activitats Simposium-2010



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