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Conference «The Evolution of Environmental Law and Sustainability Policy in the European Union»


MSU Sustainability Seminar Series Earth and Environmental Studies, CSAM - Spring 2011

The Evolution of Environmental Law and Sustainability Policy in the European Union

Professor María Jesús Montoro Chiner is Director of the Water Research Institute at the University of Barcelona, Spain, where she is also Professor (Catedrática) of Administrative Law. Dr. Montoro holds undergraduate and doctoral degrees in Administrative Law from the University of Barcelona and has done post-doctoral studies at the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer and at Bielefeld University, also in Germany. Since 1985, she has been on the faculty of the Department of Administrative Law and Procedural Law at the University of Barcelona. Dr. Montoro is the author of 7 monographs, 30 journal articles, as well as 80 book and book chapter publications on subjects including environmental law, legal proceedings and rights, public employment, inter-administrative relations, and urban  development. She is a member of the Consultative Council of the Government of Catalonia, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Pharmacy of Catalonia, and a Corresponding Fellow of the German University of Administrative Sciences in Speyer.

Date: February 9, 2011
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: Sokol Room, Science Hall 102
Montclair State University
Montclair, New Jersey, 07043, USA

Tags: Activitats


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