We participated in the IV International Congress of Anthropology AIBR

Of the 4 al 7 of September, our colleague Rosa Ortiz, He participated in the IV International Congress of Anthropology AIBR presenting a communication on our R & D project. Communication is the result of collaboration between two lines of research that perform three investigadorx that are part of the research group dome.

We leave the abstract communication, that soon it will be published in an article.

care, reproduction and neoliberal globalization. An approach on the linkages between global care chains and surrogacy

Surrogacy is often referred to as a form of transnational motherhood in cooperating people from different geographical locations and, often, also of social classes and different ethnicities. Global care chains are also considered a transnational form of motherhood made up of women from countries of the global South who perform care work for people, usually, higher social class and ethnicity in different countries of the Global North. This communication aims to explore the commonalities of two highly present phenomena in Spanish society: surrogacy and global care chains, and those factors that make them possible: globalization and casualization of care-related functions. For it, first, the topic will be addressed from an intersectional perspective, which will show the multiple inequalities that take advantage globally to ensure the processes of reproduction and care in countries of the Global North. Secondly, Empirical results from the survey designed under the project will be presented R & D “Surrogate motherhood: family transformations in the XXI century Spain“. Specifically, the results of the survey show the desigualadades that can operate in practice will be presented.

The authors communication are Anna Morero, Rosa Ortiz and Màrius Domínguez.

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