
February 16, 2017

Barcelona: one of the best cities in the world for university students

Recently published university rankings show that Barcelona offers one of the world’s most appealing environments to live in and study in the world. According to QS, Barcelona ranks as Europe’s No. 8 top city for students, after having climbed three places compared to 2016. In fact, it is also the second-best ranked city in southern Europe. This might be explained by Barcelona’s relatively low living costs compared to other major…

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February 16, 2017

Innoredes project led by UB School of Economics researchers successfully achieves goals

The Innoredes project led by the Regional Quantitative Analysis Group (AQR) at the Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics has successfully achieved the goals set when funding was awarded by BBVA Foundation two years ago. Innoredes is the short name for “Technological Cooperation Networks and Innovation. Determinants and impact on Spanish Firms’ Competitiveness”, one of the five selected projects in the field of socioeconomics. AQR researchers have provided robust evidence…

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February 14, 2017

UB researcher Carles Boix wins Choice award for his book ‘Political Order and Inequality’

Professor Carles Boix, researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics, has received Choice’s Outstanding Academic Title award for his book Political Order and Inequality. Every year the Association of College & Research Libraries releases a list of the best scholarly titles reviewed by its publishing unit Choice. Boix’s Political Order and Inequality describes the foundations of stateless societies, why and how states emerge and the basis of political…

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February 10, 2017

New Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics brand identity launched for former UB Economics

The Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona has launched a new brand identity for its international centre for research and postgraduate education in Economics. Former UB Economics becomes now Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics. New name, but same spirit. The Universitat the Barcelona School of Economics will continue to offer competitive and internationally attractive postgraduate programmes and disseminate world-class research carried out in the School….

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February 10, 2017

“This new brand identity represents another step towards the consolidation of the project”

Elisenda Paluzie, dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona, has been one of the main drivers behind the creation of the Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics, launched on February 10th, 2017. In this interesting interview, she discusses the main achievements of former UB Economics and the challenges that still lie ahead. What does the new Universitat de Barcelona School of Economics brand identity…

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February 3, 2017

Banc Sabadell Foundation predoctoral scholarships – Call for Applications

The Banc Sabadell Foundation has announced 15 predoctoral scholarships for Spanish researchers that are currently pursuing a PhD at a Spanish university in the field of Social Sciences or Humanities. The purpose of this scholarship is to fund the work done by PhD students, temporary stays at universities or research centres and other activities related to the PhD. Deadline: March 1st, 2017. More information HERE.

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January 30, 2017

Barcelona GSE Summer Forum workshops – Call for Papers

The Barcelona GSE Summer Forum consists of 26 independent workshops that cover the main fields of Economics. Workshops will take place in Barcelona between May 31st and June 16th, 2017. The objective of this forum is to bring top researchers from around the globe to Barcelona to debate the present and future of the frontier of knowledge in Economics. Researchers are invited to submit a paper to any of the…

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January 26, 2017

The University of Barcelona hosts an ERC Advanced Grant led by Carles Boix

The newly established Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (IPERG), led by Professor Carles Boix at the University of Barcelona, will foster the study the the role of institutions on the emergence of political order and stability, the political representation of individual and social interests and economic development and redistribution. It will also encourage greater integration among various parts of the social sciences in Barcelona, particularly among political science, economics,…

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January 26, 2017

10th Ernest Lluch Research Scholarship – Call for Applications

The Ernest Lluch Foundation has announced the 10th Edition of the Research Scholarship in memoriam of Ernest Lluch. The aim of this scholarship is to promote research in the fields of political and economic though, political and economic history and contemporary history and contribute to research on dialogue between Catalonia and Spain. The call is open to all university researchers, in particular to young PhD students. Deadline: March 20th, 2017….

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January 24, 2017

Scholarships for predoctoral contracts at the European University Institute – Call for Applications

The Spanish Ministry of Education has announced the “Salvador de Madariaga” scholarships for predoctoral contracts at the European University Institute in Florence. University graduates in fields such as Law, Economics, Business, Politics, Sociology or Humanities that want to pursue a PhD may apply for one of these scholarships. The aim of this grant is to facilitate the training of doctors in the fields listed above. Deadline: February 20th, 2017. More…

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