april, 2019

3apr201915:30Thriving in Teams: The Role of Peer Feedback in The Acquisition and Transfer Teamwork Skills Magda Donia (University of Ottawa)
Activity:Seminari de recerca

Event Details

Aula 1037, Edifici 690

Abstract: The role of peer feedback in the acquisition of teamwork skills, which are increasingly recognized as valuable toward thriving in organizations. The focus of the talk will be on the use of ITPMetrics.com system for research on peer feedback and teams. We will provide more details of some of the studies that have already been conducted, and explore with participants potential avenues for future research. For example, current research has found that users who have used a peer feedback system multiple times outperform first time users in teams. Also, we have found that repeated use of a peer feedback system while at university makes team members more comfortable evaluating their peers providing important practical training to providing performance evaluations on the job as supervisors/managers.

Keywords: Team work, Peers feedback, longitudinal research.

Short Bio: Dr. Magda Donia is associate professor of organizational behavior and human resources at the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada). Her work on peer feedback has been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and published in peer reviewed journals such as the Academy of Management Learning and Education and Learning and Individual differences. One of the important findings of her longitudinal research is that use of a peer feedback system in higher education leads to the development of teamwork skills in users which at university and that these gains transfer into the workforce. In addition to her research on peer feedback, she has also published research on employee attributions of corporate social responsibility and motives underlying organizational citizenship behaviors.

In addition of this Research focus talk on Wednesday at 3:30 pm., we also scheduled two other sessions:
a) on Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Room 1000 (Teaching focus) and
b) on Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Room 1000 (Hands on Overview of the ITPMetrics.com System).
The ITPMetrics.com is currently available in five languages (including English & Spanish).


Magda Donia (University of Ottawa)


(Wednesday) 15:30


Faculty of Economics and Business

Sala de Recepcions, Faculty of Economics and Business - UB, 690 Building


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