Research groups

    Research groups
    Group of Catalan Civil Law UB-UAB

    This group is dedicated to the study and dissemination of Catalan, Spanish and European civil law and, fundamentally, the relationship between Catalan civil law and the latter. The aim is to build a body of doctrine, to accompany the legislative reforms of recent years in Catalonia and to meet the challenge of European Union requirements, especially in the context of the digital market. It also seeks to visualize solutions to problems related to housing and to further develop methods of extrajudicial conflict resolution between individuals as well as with the Administration. The group raises points of consideration on common problems in Europe and contributes to the approximation of legislation, integrating Catalan civil law in this process.

    Group leader: Esther Arroyo Amayuelas

    Group details summary (GREC)

    Research group fact sheet (GREC)

    Research groups
    Research Group on Local Government and Administration (GREGAL)

    The primary objective of the Research Group on Local Government and Administration (GREGAL), recognized as a Consolidated Research Group, is to study the current and future challenges facing our local governments. In this area, the group’s activities are oriented toward the theoretical-legal analysis of local autonomy, as well as the study of its social and institutional dimensions, with regard to both its democratic political-administrative configuration and the provision of public services.

    Group leader: Tomas Font Llovet

    Group details summary (GREC)

    Research group fact sheet (GREC)

    Research groups
    Research Group in Criminal Law, Criminal Policy and Criminology of the University of Barcelona

    Group leader; Víctor Gómez Martín

    Research groups
    International Law and European Union Law

    The priority research areas of the Consolidated Research Group on International Law and European Union Law (2017 SGR 1371 DIDUE) are, first, the relationship between the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as between international humanitarian law and the international protection of human rights. Secondly, it also deals with the deepening of the integration of the European Union and its legal consequences for citizens, an area in which the following lines are being analysed in the current period: on the one hand,  the coherence of EU regulations affecting private situations regulated by Private International Law and, on the other, the consequences raised by the modifications made in recent years in the sphere of Economic and Monetary Union. Finally, the group also conducts research into the regulatory challenges of modern biotechnology and the environmental problems of the contemporary world.

    Group leader: Andreu Olesti Rayo

    Research groups's website

    Group details summary (GREC)

    Research group fact sheet (GREC)

    Research groups
    Consolidated Research Group Observation of the Penal System and Human Rights, University of Barcelona

    Group leader: Juan Antón Mellón

    Research groups
    Research Group for the Quality of Democracy

    Quality of Democracy is a Research Group of the University of Barcelona and the IBEI aimed to analyze agenda dynamics and other areas of concern within political science, mainly political representation and the quality of democracy in multilevel systems of governance. The group is structured in six different areas: Agenda dynamics, interest groups, government-opposition relations, Europeanization, transparency and fight against corruption regulation, and political behavior in the social media. The group has developed a large number of datasets providing new tools for the development of quantitative measurement of policy dynamics. The members of this research group have published a number of books and articles in academic journals, and collaborate with international research networks like the Comparative Agendas Project. Research activities have been funded by institutions like the European Science Foundation, the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, the Agaur, or the ICREA foundation, among others. For more information, please visit:

    Group leader: Laura Chaques Bonafont

    Group details summary (GREC)

    Research group fact sheet (GREC)

    Research groups
    Grup of Research & Analysis on Public Administration (GRAPA)

    For the past few years I have been conducting research on various public authorities, more specifically, security institutions. Jobs that have been recognized with awards for scientific quality of the Ministry of Defense, the Army and the Spanish Association of Political Science and Administration. In the course of these projects an intercollegiate team has been developed, where collaborators has been in and out according to research projects, but it has established a network of interests and concerns shared complicity. In turn, as the result of performing my regular teaching as a professor at the University of Barcelona, a research associate professor IBEI CIDOB (Barcelona Institute for International Studies) and the CIS (Center for International Studies), I have supervised several and diverse doctoral thesis, but all under the umbrella concept of public administration. Studies that have expanded my interests to other Administrations and other facets of the administration and that have opened thus new research, many of these projects have mandatory group. From this reality and to new needs that it required us to form the idea of GRAPA.

    Group leader: Rafael Cesareo Martinez Martinez

    Group details summary (GREC)

    Research group fact sheet (GREC)

    Research groups
    Consolidated Group of Tax, Tax and Business Policy

    The main objective of the Consolidated Research Group "Tax Law and Tax Policy" (SGR 2017 1699) is to make proposals for regulatory modifications or applied to the Spanish legal-tax system, aimed at improving efficiency and justice and tax collection results, without prejudice to the guarantees and rights of taxpayers, in the light of the experiences that are analyzed in this regard in other tax systems. Currently, the research of the members of the research group focuses on the interaction between technology and taxation, both in terms of the use of technology in the application of taxes, and in the influence of technology on the design of the latter.

    Group leader:  José-Andrés Rozas Valdés

    Web page of the research group

The research in numbers

  3 European research projects

  31 National research projects

  29 Doctoral theses completed in 2022-2023

  14 Consolidated research groups