Les i els integrants participem en trobades internacionals i nacionals creant noves sinergies.


Las y los integrantes participamos en encuentros internacionales y nacionales creando nuevas sinergias.


We participate in national and international events, generating new synergies.


Congress | Paper

Património mundial e valor social: uma investigação sobre os sítios de arte rupestre pré-histórica do Vale do Rio Côa e Siega Verde

GAPP member: José Paulo Francisco

Congress: IV Congresso da Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses


Congress | Paper

Los valores del patrimonio en contextos de mercantilización urbana. La recuperación de la fábrica Cosme Toda de L´Hospitalet”

GAPP members: María Gabriela Navas Perrone; Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Congress: 9th EUGEO conference


Congress | Paper

Industrial heritage as a field of dispute: the recovery of the Cosme Toda factory in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat

GAPP members: María Gabriela Navas Perrone & Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Congress: ‘Heritages: Past and Present – Built and Social’ conference, organized by AMPS and the Czech Technical University. Prague


Congress | Paper

Umbrales entre lo urbano y el museo: una mirada desde la antropología de la arquitectura

GAPP member: María Gabriela Navas Perrone

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Congress: IV Espai Confluèncias


Congress | Paper

Património Mundial e participação social em Foz Côa e Siega Verde

GAPP member: José Paulo Francisco

Congress: I Congresso História Pública em Portugal: práticas, experiências e desafios

Session: Museologia e Patrimonialização


Congress | Paper

Hacia una antropología de la arquitectura para repensar el patrimonio. El caso de las ruinas industriales de la Vila Olímpica de Barcelona

GAPP member: Maria Gabriela Navas Perrone

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI


Congress | Paper

Decoding the social values of urban transformations in post-industrial Barcelona

GAPP member: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Ana Pastor Pérez, Gabriela Navas Perrone

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Congress: 6th ACHS International Conference of Critical Heritage Studies / INTERCULTURALITIES. Santiago de Chile

Session: «Methods for weaving social interactions in transformed urban historic landscapes” organised by the Deep Cities-CURBATHERI project


Congress | Paper

Contrapatrimonialización y memoria: resignificaciones mayas en torno a sitios arqueológicos del municipio de Tecpán, Guatemala

GAPP member: Mathieu Picas

Congress: 6th ACHS International Conference of Critical Heritage Studies / INTERCULTURALITIES. Santiago de Chile.

Session: «Debates about Archeological Heritage»


Congress | Paper

Desde lo local y lo nacional: posibilidades y desafíos para la gestión intercultural del patrimonio indígena en Chile y Bolivia

GAPP member: Camila Opazo Sepúlveda

Congress: 6th ACHS International Conference of Critical Heritage Studies / INTERCULTURALITIES. Santiago de Chile.

Session: «Intercultural Museum: Discourses and narratives of material heritage»


Project workshop | Presentations

Integrating society through evaluation processes

GAPP members: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Gabriela Navas Perrone, Ana Pastor Pérez

Workshop: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI project Barcelona workshop held at Can Riera (L’Hospitalet History Museum) and Can Fontanet (Recinte Fabra i Coats, Sant Andreu del Palomar)


Project workshop | Presentation

Managing the Social Impact of Heritage-Led projects and Avances in WP5 Evaluation and Recommendations

GAPP members: Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Gabriela Navas Perrone, Ana Pastor Pérez

Congress: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI Florence Workshop, Firenze, Biblioteca delle Oblate and Associazione Piazza San Donato


Seminar series | Seminar

Diseccionando el género en la Arqueología pública.

GAPP members: Paloma Zarzuela, Ana Pastor Pérez

Seminar Series: «Junior Research Seminars» de l’Institut d’Arqueologia de la Universitat de Barcelona (IAUB)


Project workshop | Presentation

Case study presentation- Spain

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez, Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Congress: Workshop organised in London by the Deep Cities-CURBATHERI project


Congress | Paper

Analizando el valor patrimonial de las transformaciones urbanas en Barcelona

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez, Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión del Patrimonio Arqueológico. Homenaje a M. A. Querol

8 – 11/09/2021

Congress | Session

27th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting. Widening Horizons. 

GAPP member: Ana Pastor Pérez (with Torgrim Guttormsen, Paloma Guzman, Kalliopi Fouseki, Chiara Bonacchi)

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Session: Preserving Transformative ‘Palimpsests’: The Role of Digital Heritage and Participative Approaches in Current Urban Archaeology

8 – 11/09/2021

Congress | Paper

27th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting. Widening Horizons.

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez, Margarita Díaz-Andreu (with Alicia Castillo)

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Paper: Unpacking participation in Barcelona 

For session: Preserving Transformative ‘Palimpsests’: The Role of Digital Heritage and  Participative Approaches in Current Urban Archaeology 

19 – 21/06/2021

Congress | Paper

SIEF 15th Congress 2021. Breaking the rules? Power, participation and transgression. 

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez, Margarita Díaz- Andreu

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Paper: Dissecting participation in heritage through ethnographic lenses in Barcelona 

In session: The aftermaths and futures of participatory culture in museums and heritage sector 

19 – 21/06/2021

Congress | Paper

SIEF 15th Congress 2021. Breaking the rules? Power, participation and transgression. 

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez, Margarita Díaz-Andreu (with Torgrim Sneve Guttormsen, Kalliopi Fouseki)

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Paper: “Preserving the value of the urban transformations in Barcelona, London and Oslo”. 

In session: The Rules and Ruptures of Post-industrial Cities 


Taula Rodona | Mesa Redonda | Round Table

Patrimonios periféricos: diseccionando el impacto social de los proyectos de investigación patrimonial en el ámbito urbano

GAPP members: Ana Pastor Pérez and Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Project: Deep Cities-CURBATHERI

Comitè organitzador / Organising committee

8 – 11/04/2021

Congress | Paper

#pubarchMEDfin- Final Conference.  

GAPP member: Ana Pastor Pérez

Paper: Archaeological [in] gestion. Crossed reflections on the role of contract and academic archaeology (with Juan Alonso Porras) 

In session: Babel Tower 

15 – 19/03/2021

Congress | Paper

43th ICOFOM symposium Montreal 

GAPP member: Bárbara Molina 

Title of paper: Anden representation in European ethnologic museums

Session: Decolonizing museums

1 – 3/02/2021

Congress | Paper

XV Congreso de Antropología ASAEE. Éticas y políticas de la antropología.

GAPP member: Ana Pastor Pérez

Title of paper: Las no participantes

In session: Los horizontes de la crítica patrimonial


Congress | Paper

V Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies


GAPP member: Camila Opazo-Sepúlveda, Mathieu Picas

Paper: Contemporary memories of colonialism: exploring discourses on Barcelona’s uncomfortable heritage


Congress | Paper

V Biennial Conference of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies


GAPP member: Camila Opazo-Sepúlveda, Laura Coltofean-Arizancu and Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Paper: Migration and archaeological heritage: Exploring possibilities for Barcelona’s museums


Congress | Paper

III Conference of Latin American Studies

Autonomous University of Barcelona

GAPP member: Camila Opazo-Sepúlveda

Paper: “National museums and and indigenous heritage in multicultural age in Chile.
Achievements and challenges for a reconciliation”

13 – 15/02/2020

Congress | Paper

TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) Ibérico

University of Lisbon

GAPP member: Laura Coltofean-Arizancu

Paper: “Patrimonio sin fronteras: La inclusión social de inmigrantes a través del patrimonio y de los museos arqueológicos” and Roundtable: “No todo es lo que parece: repensando la educación pública y la divulgación en la arqueología y en la gestión del patrimonio de la Península Ibérica”

13 – 15/02/2020

Congress | Paper

TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) Ibérico

University of Lisbon

GAPP member: José Paulo Francisco

Paper: “Arqueologia Pública e as Convenções de La Valletta e Faro“



Scientific Colloquium

Iberoamerican Institute, Berlin

GAPP member: Mathieu Picas

Paper: “Reapropiaciones del patrimonio arqueológico en tierras Mayas”


Congress | Paper

I Congreso del Intitut Catalá de Antropología ICA

Tarragona, Spain

GAPP member: Margarita Gómez Salas de Schetter

Paper: “Place attachment and community involvement in the management of heritage sites. The case of the Island of Mozambique”

21 – 23/11/2019

Congress | Paper

Simposio Anual de Patrimonio Natural y Cultural ICOMOS España 2019

ETS de Ingenieros de Minas y Energía, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

GAPP member: Ana Pastor

Paper: “Conservación preventiva social: etnografías patrimoniales en el espacio público”

28 – 29/10/2019

Congress | Paper

VII Encontro Ibérico de Gestores do Património Mundial

UNESCO, DGPC, and Direção Regional de Cultura dos Açores, Islas Açores

GAPP member: Amilcar Vargas

Paper: “La implementación de las 5C en la gestión sostenible de Casa Batlló”



One day seminar about “Identidades fluidas: representaciones y perspectivas históricas y actuales” 

University of Bologna

GAPP member: Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Roundtable chairwoman 

01 – 07/09/2019


ICOM (International Council of Museums)


GAPP member: Amilcar Vargas

Participation: Representing Casa Batlló (UNESCO World Heritage)


Congress | Paper

Americas2019: Future today/ yesterday/ tomorrow: Visions of Future(s) in the Americas

University of Bonn, Germany

GAPP member: Camila Opazo-Sepúlveda

Paper: Heritage management, indigenous communities and tourism. Andean experiences from the Atacama Desert


Congress | Paper

Americas2019: Future today/ yesterday/ tomorrow: Visions of Future(s) in the Americas

University of Bonn, Germany

GAPP member: Mathieu Picas

Paper: “Imaginar el futuro, recrear el pasado. Visiones en torno a los Patrimonios indígenas en América Latina” and panel chairman: “Utopías, distopías y patrimonios indígenas en América: ¿Cómo los pueblos indígenas imaginan el futuro a través de su pasado?” 


Congress | Paper

Memory Studies Association


GAPP member: Mathieu Picas

Paper: “Narrativas mayas en torno a la Conquista y al colonialismo. Los yacimientos prehispánicos como espacios de visibilización étnica y política”


Congress | Paper

Memory Studies Association


GAPP member: Leslie Zubieta

Paper: “The Role of Rock Art as Material Culture in the Memorization of Knowledge”

09 – 10/05/2019

Congress | Paper

Cultural Management: Present and Future

University of Athens

GAPP member: Apen Ruiz Martínez

Paper: “Heritage Ethnographies: Re-visiting Theories and Methodologies to Explore Contemporary Archaeology and Social Impact in Barcelona’s Gothic Neighbourhood”. Roundtable: “A Matter of Prepositions? On the Politics of Engagement in Mediterranean Archaeology”



Seminario de arte y cultura visual. Licenciatura de Historia del Arte

Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad Morelia (UNAM), México

GAPP member: Leslie Zubieta

Seminar: “El arte rupestre: su estudio en colaboración con pueblos originarios”

26 – 27/04/2019

Congress | Paper

Hacer con Tod@s. Arqueología, museos y comunidades

Auditório do Museu do Côa (Portugal)

GAPP member: José Paulo Francisco (organizer) and Margarita Díaz-Andreu (guest speaker)

Paper: “Arqueología, museos y comunidades: una apuesta de futuro”

10 – 14/04/2019

Congress | Paper

Society for American Archaeology

Albuquerque, USA

GAPP member: Mathieu Picas and Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Paper: “Local interpretations about Maya pre-Hispanic heritage: the case of Tulum”


Congress | Roundtable

I Jornadas ICOMOS-España: Patrimonio, Desarrollo y Comunidad Local

Museo de Historia de Cataluña

GAPP member: Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Roundtable: “El patrimonio cultural hoy: Nuevos conceptos, nuevos desafíos”


Congress | Paper


University of Barcelona

GAPP member: Camila Opazo-Sepúlveda

Paper: “Social participation in the conservation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Atacama Desert (Chile): A mass dissemination co-creation experience in the Santiago Metro”
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