Informació i promoció Partners

Promotional material and information for partners and their students interested in going on exchange at our institution

The following material intends help our partners and prospective incoming students, in terms of orientation and information about exchanges at our institution, for instance when holding an international mobility fair or when providing a virtual space for students to check the information about partners and destinations. We hope the links and documents provided here will be useful!

Since the covid crisis the IRO-FEE decided to limit the printing of promotional material and probably in the future we will keep its printing for very specific events and occasions. In case you are holding a fair, we hope you can add this material on a virtual space or website for students to check it. We appreciate the understanding while we also hope this can contribute positively in the environment!

Fact sheet | UB Faculty of Economics and Business

Promotional material and exchange information:

For a brief introduction about the University of Barcelona, the Faculty of Economics and Business, and also about the city of Barcelona and exchanges at our institution, please, check the following videos:

Website for international exchange students | IN-Webpage: Incoming students