I graduated in 2019 in Psychology at the University of Barcelona. In 2020 I pursued one year of Computer Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. That same year I enrolled in M.Sc. of Research in Behaviour and Cognition at the University of Barcelona and graduated in 2021.
My bachelor’s thesis and practicum involved Virtual Reality. In particular, my internship focused on the treatment of phobias with Virtual Reality tools and my extracurricular internship involved treating eating disorders also with Virtual Reality with a totally different equipment in the VR-PSY LAB. As for my bachelor thesis supervised by Dr. José Gutiérrez Maldonado, we assessed how laterality affects visual preference and valence.
For my master’s thesis supervised by Dr. Carles Escera, I intended to explore the correlates of the diffusion anisotropy with the Following-Frequency Response in neonates at birth using MRI and EEG tools. My master internship was conducted in the Brainlab and in Hospital Sant Joan de Déu having the Màster+UB collaboration scholarship effectuating EEG and MRI recordings in neonates from 0 months to 21 months old.
This academic year, 2021-2022, I am a research assistant at the Brainlab giving support to the ONA project and a PhD candidate granted with a Master-PhD bridge program from Institut de Neurociències.