

UB Business School researchers reveal that integration of management systems is key to cleaner production technologies

The integration of management systems provides the managerial support needed to foster the adoption of cleaner production technologies both in developed and developing countries, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production by UB Business School researchers Alfonso Hernandez-Vivanco, Merce Bernardo and Claudio Cruz-Cazares. However, integration of management systems does not have a significant effect on sustainable product innovations, research shows. Therefore, the authors conclude that more efforts are required to accomplish a sustainability approach in the development of new products. The UB Business School researchers are among the first to relate…

PhD students at UB Business School connect with their peers from Uppsala University during a networking event in Barcelona

PhD students in Business at the UB Business School had the opportunity to connect with their peers from Uppsala University (Sweden) during a networking event organised by the UB's PhD in Business Students’ Association on 15th June 2018. The purpose of this event was to connect doctoral students in Business from both higher education institutions. The networking session started with a welcome speech by the director of the PhD in Business programme, Dr Esther Hormiga, followed by different networking activities…

UB Business School to host the International Summer School in Marketing & Business Models

The UB Business School will host the Barcelona Marketing & Business Models International Summer School from 16 to 20 July, 2018. Participants will examine the latest topics and challenges in the discipline of marketing during one week of intensive course at the University of Barcelona, one of Europe’s leading universities. The programme includes cultural activities, such as a guided tour around Barcelona, and a visit to the Chocolate Museum and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Hospital de Sant Pau. The…

UB Business School researcher Paloma Fernández wins Jaume Vicens Vives Prize

The UB Business School researcher Paloma Fernández has been awarded the Jaume Vicens Vives prize to the best book on Economic History of Spain and Latin America for her book Evolution of family Business. Continuity and change in Latin America and Spain (Edward Elgar Publishing), coedited with Andrea Lluch. The prize is awarded annually by the Spanish Economic History Association based on the scientific excellence and the contribution to the field of Economics History. The book analyses the identity and…

The Executive MBA takes teaching off campus with a ‘stage’ on leadership

Students of the Executive MBA at the UB Business School took part in a dynamic workshop on leadership last week. During two intensive days, the group met in a hotel in Sitges, on the coast of Barcelona, on May 11th and 12th 2017. The workshop offered practical training through game-based experiences, group dynamics, role-plays, practical cases, videos and multimedia content. At the end of the stage, participants had a better understanding of leadership in the framework of the management of change, one of the major challenges of the…

Executive MBA Business Chat addresses innovation in traditional economic sectors

The latest Executive MBA Business Chat organised by the Universitat de Barcelona Business School addressed the issue of innovation in the traditional economic sectors with Aristarco Tomás, director of the freight haulier Tomás Expediciones, S.A. The session was held on April 25th 2018 at the Faculty of Economics and Business. During the session, the executive discussed with Executive MBA students how to break away from the mould of family businesses and adapt to a changing environment in a traditional sector.…

“The new MSc in International Business is filling a gap in the public university system”

The researcher and lecturer at the UB Business School Merce Bernardo is the director of the new MSc in International Business. The first edition of this master’s degree will be offered in the 2018-19 academic year. In this interview, she discusses some of the characteristics of this novel programme, which is entirely taught in English over a year. Bernardo is a tenured assistant professor at the Department of Business at the University of Barcelona. Her research interests lie in the…

Maria Carla Antonini and Milena Gómez receive prize for outstanding PhD research in Business

[caption id="attachment_28380" align="alignleft" width="300"] Milena Gómez Cedeño receives the UB Extraordinary Doctoral prize. / GX[/caption] PhD alumni of the UB Business School Maria Carla Antonini Morales and Milena Gómez Cedeño have each received an UB Extraordinary Doctoral Prize for their outstanding PhD thesis in Business at the award ceremony that took place in the main hall of the Historic Building of the University of Barcelona on April 19th, 2018. Maria Carla Antonini is the award winner for the 2015/16 academic…

Meet the EMBA students awarded the UB Business School sponsored European Talent scholarship

The Executive MBA students Liliana Carvalho and Guillem Vidal were each awarded a UB Business School sponsored European Talent scholarship in the academic year 2017-18. They benefited from a 50% discount on the tuition fee aimed at candidates with EU citizenship and outstanding profile and skills. Interested candidates for the next academic year need to send their application before May 2nd 2018 in order to be considered in the first round and June 30th 2018 to be considered in the…

UB Business School at the Futura Master’s and Post-graduate Exhibition 2018

The Universitat de Barcelona Business School took part in the Futura Master’s and Post-graduate Exhibition for the fourth consecutive year. The school showed its offering for the academic year 2018-2019, including the MSc in Business Research, the PhD in Business, the Executive MBA and the recently launched MSc in International Business. Many students approached the UB Business School in the Faculty of Economics and Business stand. Visitors were provided with first-hand information about courses, application requirements and scholarships. The exhibition…