La Dra. Al-Khasawneh visitarà la Facultat de Geografia i Història en qualitat de professora d'intercanvi Erasmus programa K 107+ Yarmouk University Jordan - Universitat de Barcelona.

Dijous, 07 abril 2022.

The seminars “Science, Methods and Technology in Archaeology” will present different techniques of radiometric dating and Characterization of Cultural Heritage material.

The first part will be on the principle of OSL dating techniques for sediments and rock surface. The presentation will include illustration of sampling procedure, measurements and age equation. Different case studies from Jordan will be presented.

The second part of the seminar will be on Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and its applications in cultural heritage (examples from SESAME, Jordan).

The third part of the seminar will presents instrumentation and research areas at the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at YU.


3 de maig aula 302 de 11-12.30: “Luminescence dating for geoarchaeological and anthropogenic deposits. Case studies from Petra, Jordan Valley and Qublan Bani Murra (Jordan)”

4 de maig aula 302 de 11-12.30: “Luminescence dating for rock surfaces. Applications for megalithic structures and rock falls (Desert Kites, Khat Shebib and Petra)”

5 de maig aula 213 de 11-12.30: “SESAME Jordan. Using Synchrotron Radiation for Characterization of Cultural Heritage Materials: the case of Kirbet Samra”

6 de maig aula 213 de 11-12.30: "The Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology at Yarmouk University Instrumentation and research areas"