Religious architecture plaid a significant role in the cohesion of the urban and rural worlds and its study is important for the understanding as physical, socio-economical and religious spaces. The study of (Early) Christian architecture, this is one of the main research fields of our research group. This line is focused on the study of Ecclesiastical architecture and it is using the earlier works of P. de Palol. Our research includes new perspectives such as the evaluation of the interrelations between architecture and liturgy, as well as their contribution in the configuration of the urban and rural landscape. Amongst the most important study cases are El Cañal de Pelayos (Salamanca); San Severo en Classe (Rávena, Italia), Olèrdola and Sidillà, and the monastic complex of Sant Quirze de Colera (Rabós d’Empordà, Alt Empordà).
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