Paul Reynolds’ work on the Classical to Late Antique pottery of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens excavations at Lechaion, the western port of Roman Corinth began in June 2017. The Lechaion Harbor and Settlement Land Project (Corinth, Greece), directed by Paul Scotton (California State University, Long Beach), began in 2016, focussing on the site formation and occupation of the harbour and settlement, and ended its first phase of work in 2018. Three areas have been excavated, by the waterside: two domestic, later industrial, buildings with early imperial to 5th century (Area A) and 6th century (Area B) occupation and a large Augustan or mid-1st century basilica of which only the foundations remain.
A session of papers on the project, including the pottery, was given at the American Institute of Archaeology Conference January 2019, San Diego (California).